Roland DeGregorio
Home Page

Welcome to my online portfolio. Here you can find some examples of my work, current projects, and my biography. I am a recognized restaurant and food service professional based in St. Louis, MO. I have over thirty years of experience with all facets of the food industry. My projects have been a small as a family owned BBQ parlor to directing 20 million dollars of food service sales in 3 states.

I am proud of what I have achieved thus far. My passion for what I do continues to grow each and every day. I love to break new ground with each new project I embark upon.

I am currently leading workshops and training relating to my field of expertise for US Foodservice Salem/St. Louis.

If you are a current or projected customer, please contact me for private speaking engagements or consultations

I am available for commissioned projects only through US Foodservice. Visit my Showcase page to view examples of my finest work.

Roland DeGregorio, CFC
163 Cherry Hills Meadows Drive
Wildwood, MO 63040

US Foodservice Salem/St. Louis

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